About us

RSRS is a multidisciplinary team of professionals that formed in response to a clear and present need within the consultancy market. Considering the tremendous shifts in global markets and rapid changes in how business is done, our strategy combines the most effective aspects of a classical advisory approach with perpetually evolving technologies that keep you on the cutting edge.

When asked what drives the current decade, and surely many more in the future, the answer is simple: Data. There is little debate within RSRS, or the business world as a whole, that our access to and use of data will continue to control and direct the world’s actions and reactions.

The present moment is unique in human history; our world is careening through consecutive and unfamiliar crises, new technologies are emerging every day, many with unclear and unmeasured impacts, and the 24-hour news cycle fills our lives with chaotic events and emotional rollercoasters. At RSRS, we understand that this new paradigm is directly related to the continuous flow of data from multiple sources. We also know that managing data is only one side of the coin; extracting useful and meaningful information is the other.

We offer our clients valuable, customized, and practical advice that forms a base for both instant and future attention to their specific needs. We deliver on these promises through two major routes: the cross-sectoral approach and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, and Data-Mining.

In short, RSRS is determined to enhance the classical cross-sectoral consultancy approach by supporting it with the incredible power of AI, Machine Learning, and Data-Mining outputs. These outputs become a critical input for the cross-sectoral consultancy approach, generating insights, opportunities, and advantages that every business seeks.

Having data is essential, but handling it successfully remains the challenge-a challenge that RSRS is uniquely qualified to meet. We promise to demonstrate the power of Data Science and give you the highly advanced tools needed to master it for your business.


how can we help you?

Contact us at the RSRS General Trading office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.


The biggest reason we engaged RSRS General Trading was their knowledge and their expertise in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and cross-sectoral consulting services

Khaled Akrout
Khaled Akrout
Co-founder, CreatxDesign

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